Extended API Documentation, Support and Status

We have more advanced documentation available elsewhere in our Zendesk platform. <TODO link "Start Here">


API Technical Specification Documentation

Every TrackTik web portal offers the API's technical specification documentation in Redocly format. You simply have to add /rest/v1 to the end of the domain name of the URL:


Here's some tips on navigating it:

2024-05-27 11_47_49-TFV-TT Integrations - REST API - V1.3.pptx - PowerPoint.png

(1) Search. It can only search forward from the current section, so remember to return to the root of the documentation for full searches (click on the logo to return to root.)

(2) Entity families. Click the [>] to expand.

(3) API Version. We haven't implemented the full versioning system yet so there's only one version, this one, named as displayed.

(4) You can download the contextual API schema with any [Download] button. Full set when at root, specific to an entity family is navigated deeper within.

All endpoint schemas are also available with [GET] /rest/v1/entityname/schema while authenticated

Service Status

You can monitor the state of our services and subscribe for updates at:



Additional Support

Should you need some help from a TrackTik source, you always reach out to your existing Customer Success Manager, assigned Developer Relations Specialist, or through our Customer Support channel:


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