Devices and Licenses

Under Devices & Licenses, you will see a list of all the licenses you have created. You will also know the license type and where (sites, zones, and departments) each device is assigned.

You can also manage your licenses from this tab and create, terminate, and transfer them if necessary.

  1. App: The type of license.
  2. Device: The type of device.
  3. OS: The device's operating system
  4. Region: The region where the device is configured.
  5. UID: The unique ID of the zone or site to which the device is assigned.
  6. Zone ID: The site or zone to which the device is assigned.
  7. Account: The name of the account.
  8. Position: The name of the position to which the device is assigned.
  9. Description: The name of the device.
  10. Phone: The phone number of the device, if any.
  11. Status: The status of the mobile license.
  12. Version: The version of the license installed on the device.
  13. Installation Code: The installation code of the license, if any. Note: Onsite licenses do not have installation codes.
  14. Creation Date: The date the license was created.
  15. End Date: The termination date of the license, if any.
  16. Last Action: The date of the last action taken on the device.

If you want to move a license from one site or zone to another, it is best practice to terminate the license at the first site or zone and re-install it at the second one. Please see the Mobile Application Overview for more information on device licenses.

Learn more about creating and configuring devices and licenses here.


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