Shift Reports

You can view and manage shift reports from the Operations Reports tab. The shift report features you access may vary according to your permissions.


  1. Click on the Operations Reports tab.
  2. Click on the Summary By Shift in the menu on the left.
  3. Employee: The name of the employee who worked the shift.
  4. Location: The name of the site or zone where the employee worked the shift.
  5. Reports: The number of reports filled out vs. the number required.
  6. Videos: View video interventions created by guards in the field.
  7. Checkpoints: The number of checkpoints scanned.
  8. Start: The start date and time of the shift
  9. End: The end date and time of the shift. A green tag will appear if the shift has not yet ended.
  10. Tracks: View the GPS tracks of the employee.
  11. Download (PDF): Generate a PDF of the shift report.
  12. View: View the shift report.
  13. Actions: Perform various actions on the shift reports based on your permission level. Select from Approve All Shift Reports or Send Shift Reports By Email.

Shift Report Options

There are a number of additional options available to help you manage shift reports.


Custom Export: Select this option to export from various data sources. You can choose from a number of data sources on the shift report.



Dates: Enter a timer period in this box to filter the shift reports by period.

Filter by Employees: Start typing an employee's name to filter the shift reports by a specific employee.

Filter Button: Click this button to apply the selected filters.


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