Employee : Emergency Contacts

Create an Emergency Contact

[POST] /employees/{employee_id}/emergencyContacts

{ "firstName":"Michael", "lastName": "M", "jobTitle":"Consultant", "primaryPhone":"555-555-5550", "secondaryPhone":"555-555-5551", "fax": "555-555-5552", "email": "Michael.M@api2496x.qa.staffr.ca", "address": { "addressLine1": "42949 Emergency Lane", "addressLine2": "Unit 42", "city": "Gilbert", "country": "CA", "state": "MB", "postalCode": "Q2O 9J9" } }

You can fetch a single Employee’s Emergency Contact by specifying the Contact’s ID via:

[GET] /employees/{employee_id}/emergencyContacts/{contact_id}

And you can also use that format for PATCH to update the Emergency Contact’s details.

2024-06-03 : The ability to REMOVE a contact entirely hasn’t been implemented yet.

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