Visitor Management Guide

The visitor management module allows you to control access to your sites. You can access this module as an administrator or an employee using an on-site license or a mobile device.


Activate Visitor Management

To take advantage of visitor management features, follow the steps to activate the module.

  1. At the site, go to Security and Patrol.
  2. Click the Onsite Features option.


  1. Activate these three options.


Note: Only Visitor Log (Beta) and Enable Visitor Log (Beta) are required to activate the feature. Activate the tenant database to track the tenants the visitors will see.

  1. The visitor management tab will now be visible on the site page.


Setting Permissions

The visitor management module allows you to assign permissions to users. These permissions determine the features that the users can access.

Permissions are accessible under Settings>Roles and Permissions.

Here are some of the permissions you can set:

  1. Patrol Resident
  2. Building Visitor
  3. Building Resident
  • Users with Client Portal roles won't see the unit profile.
  • Users with Staff Portal roles won't be able to do anything from the "Building Visitor" and "Building Resident" Folders when using the TrackTik Guard Tour mobile app.
  • Users with Staff Portal roles need access to "View the tenant list" to check in visitors using the TrackTik Guard Tour mobile app.

Building Visitor

  • Configure tenant visitor module: This allows the user to configure the module.
  • View the Visitor Log List: This allows the user to view the visitor logs, showing when the user arrived and left, whom the visitor visited, if applicable, and any additional notes about the visitor or the visit.
  • Check-in and check-out visitors: This allows users to check visitors in and out of the site.
  • Add to the Authorized and Blocked visitor list: This list allows you to determine which users will be allowed into the site and which will be blocked.
  • Edit a visitor log entry: Allow users to edit the information on the comings and goings of visitors in the log.
  • Delete a visitor log entry: Allow users to delete records from the visitor log.


Building Resident

  • Configure the tenant module: Allow the user to configure the module that handles tenants.
  • View the Tenant list: Allow the user to view the list of tenants at the site.
  • Edit the Tenant's unit: Allow the user to change information about the tenant's unit, such as the unit description, primary tenant, and unit status.
  • Create a Tenant Unit: This allows the user to create units.
  • Manage the Tenant Database: This allows the user to manage the list of tenants.

Adding Visitor Types

Consider the types of visitors you will be tracking and set the defaults. Some examples of visitors might be contractors, delivery companies, or inspectors. Follow the steps below to add visitor types.

  1. In the Visitor Management tab, click on the Visitor Types tab.

A list of all the visitor types you have created will appear here.

visitor management-new log type.png

  1. Click New Log Type to add a new visitor type.


  • Visitor Log Name: Assign a name to the visitor type. Example: contractor or visitor.
  • Track Check Out: Check this option to record the check-out time for this visitor type.
  • Collect Company Name: Set this to yes if you want to record a company name for this visitor type.
  • Take Visitor Picture: Set to yes if a picture will be required when checking in a visitor.
  • Collect Car License Plate: Set to yes if a license plate number will be required when checking in a visitor.
  • Collect Unit Number: Set to yes if a unit number will be required when checking in a visitor.
  • Print A Visitor Badge: Set to yes if printing a badge will be required when checking in a visitor. (currently not required even if set to yes)
  • Host Required:  Set this option to yes to require a host for each visitor.


For each visitor type, you can ask extra check-in or check-out questions. You can then include the responses in a report. Add fields to the report for the information you would like to capture.


Create tenants and assign them to units

Once you have created units, you can assign tenants to them.

  1. Select Tenants under the Visitor Management tab.
  2. Select the Tenants option from the menu on the left.
  3. Click the New Tenant button.

visitor management-new tenant.png

Fill out the following fields:

  • First Name: The tenant's first name.
  • Last Name: The tenant's last name.
  • Tenant Type: Choose from the owner, relative, tenant, or temporary.
  • Phone (Main): Main tenant phone number.
  • Phone (Other): Secondary tenant phone number.
  • Email: Tenant email address.
  • Parking Spot: Tenant parking spot.
  • License Plate: The tenant's license plate.
  • Access Card/FOB: Access card or FOB number.
  • Other Address: Secondary tenant address.
  • Picture (Optional): Optional tenant picture.
  • Tenant Unit: Tenant unit number.

Pre-authorize A Visitor

You can maintain a list of individuals or companies who are either authorized visitors or blocked from visiting the property. Once someone has been added, you can search for them using the Frequent & Authorized Visitor Search to check them in and out or change their Permission Type. You can also pre-authorize visitors and review them in the unit profile (only visible to admin or staff roles). 

Note:  Pre-authorized visitors will only show in the list if they have a check-in/check-out history. If a visitor is pre-authorized before checking in for the first time, they will not show in the list.


Follow the steps below to pre-authorize or block a visitor.

  1. Select Pre-Authorize Visitor.


  1. Complete the following fields.
  • First Name: First name of the authorized or blocked visitor.
  • Last Name: Last name of the authorized or blocked visitor.
  • Company (Optional): Name of the visitor's company.
  • Phone: Phone number of the authorized or blocked visitor.
  • Host to Contact: Person to call to authorize the visitor.
  • Permission Type: Select the option to grant or block access or call the host for authorization. 
  • Permission Valid Until: Select an end date for visitor authorization or blocking.
  • Notes: Enter notes about the authorized or blocked visitor.
  • Frequent & Authorized Visitor Search: Search for a visitor in a list of regular and authorized visitors. 

  1. Select Add Permission to complete the process.

    Note: If the user is blocked from visiting one unit, you can still check them into a different unit.


Checking visitors in

To give access to any Staff Role user to use the Visitor Management module, you need to:

1. Activate an on-site license at the site.

2. Assign the user to the site.

When visitors arrive at your site, you will check them in and record information about them and their visit.

Follow the steps below to check in a visitor:

  1. In the site visitor management tab, select Check-in Visitor.
  2. Choose a Visitor Type from the drop-down.
  3. Fill out the visitor's information.
  4. Or use Frequent & Authorized Visitor Search to fill in the details automatically.
  5. Click Sign In Visitor.


  • First Name: Enter the visitor's first name.
  • Last Name: Enter the visitor's last name.
  • Company: Enter the name of the visitor's company
  • Host: Select the host the visitor is coming to see


Viewing Visitor Logs

Visitor logs contain all the information captured about a visitor and a visit. Follow the procedure below.

Follow the instructions below to view visitor logs.

  1. Select Log to view a report containing all the information about the visit.


  • Print (PDF): Click this button to print the Visitor Log.
  • Edit: Click the edit button to edit the visitor log.
  • Contractor: This area shows the visitor type, as well as the date, creation user, and client.
  • Information: This section shows the visitor's name, the tenant's name
  • Additional Check-In Information: This contains information captured in the additional check-in questions.
  • Additional Check-Out Information: This contains information captured in the additional check-out questions.
  • Notes: View or enter notes about the visit.
  • Files: View or upload files about the visit.

Modifying Visitor Logs

You can edit the visitor log to update any relevant information.

  • Select Edit to modify the log.


You can modify any of the information displayed below.

  • First Name: First name of the visitor.
  • Last Name: Last name of the visitor.
  • Company: The name of the visitor's company.
  • Check-in Time: Date and time of day when the visitor checked in.
  • Check-out Time: Date and time of day when the visitor checked out.
  • Host Information: Information of the individual the visitor was coming to see.

Visitor Badge

For each new visitor, the system will generate a visitor badge. Suppose you selected Take visitor picture when you configured visitor types. The system will automatically take you to the visitor picture screen when visitors sign in for the first time.

To review or update a photo on the badge for any current or previously checked-in visitors, follow the next steps:

  1. Select Badge to open the preview menu (Visitor Log section).
  2. Select Camera to capture the image.
  3. Print or Save the badge.





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