Zones are groups of sites used primarily for managing mobile patrol. Sites within a zone can belong to one client but generally belong to multiple clients within the same geographic area.
Navigate to Customer Zones
To create and manage zones:
- Hover over Sites (Client)
- Select Site Zones (Groups)
The Customer Zones page lists all of your zones. You can add a new zone, view the details of existing zones, and move zones between regions (depending on your permissions). You can also search for individual zones or filter by whether the zone is active or in a particular area.
Most of the settings you can configure for zones are the same ones you can configure for sites.
Follow the steps below to set the zone configurations.
- Hover over the Sites (Client) tile.
- Select Site Zones (Groups).
- Choose the zone you want to configure.
- Once you have accessed the zone, a row of configuration options will be displayed at the top.
- New Site: Create a new site from within the zone,
- Assign To This Zone: Assign an existing site to the zone.
Bulk Change: Make bulk changes, such as assigning or unassigning multiple sites to the zone simultaneously.
Zone Configuration Options
- Sites/Clients: A list of sites assigned to the zone. You can also assign and un-assign sites to the zone in this tab.
- Sub zones: View a list of sub-zones assigned to the zone or assign additional or remove sub-zones.
Edit: Make edits to the zone name or address.
- Contacts: Zone contacts are managed the same way as site contacts. For more information, please refer to the site contacts section.
- Operation Reports: The Operation Reports tab under the zone contains the same options as under Sites.
Security and Patrol: The Security and Patrol tab under zones contains the same security and patrol options as under sites. Please review that section for more information.
Notifications: Notifications set at the zone level will apply to the zone only. Please have a look at the notification section for more information.
- Zone Report Settings: These settings allow you to designate specific report templates as zone reports. Any defined templates will be available for guards to fill out at the sites within the zone.
Note: The report template must be designated as On Demand.
Check the templates on the left to make them zone reports. Once selected, they will appear in the list on the right.
- Zone Users: Zone Users are employees assigned to the zone and can work there.
Positions: View a list of positions associated with the zone or add a new position. Please refer to this article to learn more about creating positions.
Message Board: View and post messages on the zone message board. Please read this article to learn more about using the message board.
Schedules: View the schedules for the users assigned to the zone. For more about scheduling, please see this article.
Runsheets: Create run sheets to manage your patrols. For more about patrols, please refer to this article.
Lone Worker Settings: This section will schedule Lone Worker check-ins. To learn more, please refer to Lone Worker.
Click the Assign Employee button to assign the employee to the zone.
Filter by Skills: Type an employee's name to select employees by skill.
Select Employee: Begin typing an employee's name to assign to the zone.
Select Date: As of this date, the person will be a zone employee.
Click Save to assign the zone user.
Positions: Follow the site instructions to create and configure positions in the zone. Positions you create in a zone will apply only to that zone.
Message Board: Use the zone message board to communicate with zone users. It works the same way as the site message board.