Assigned Sites

The Assigned Sites tab contains a list of sites to which the employee is assigned. You can also add or delete a site assignment from here.

  1. Site: The name of the site to which the employee is assigned.
  2. Start Date: The first date the employee was assigned to work at the site.
  3. Effective Rate Date: The effective date of the assignment. If effective immediately, the field will show "initial."
  4. End: End date of the assignment.
  5. Is Primary: This shows whether this is the primary site assignment for the employee.
  6. Make Primary: Clicking here will make this the primary site assignment for the employee.
  7. Remove: Clicking here will remove the assignment.

To assign the employee to a new site:

  1. Click the "Assign to Site button."
  1. Search for Account: Begin typing the name of the site you would like to assign to the employee.
  2. Start Date: The effective date of the site assignment.
  3. Is primary site: Check this box if this is the primary site assignment for the employee.
  4. Click the "Save" button to finalize the site assignment.

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