What are Zones?

Zones are groups of Sites. They allow you to organize your sites into geographical areas so you can perform patrols, and guards who work at multiple Sites during a single shift can use the same device license.

Under Site Zones (Groups), you can access a list of existing zones, create new ones, and modify existing zones. In this way, you can manage your site and zone hierarchy. The features you have access to will vary according to your permission level.

  1. Hover over the tile Sites (Client), then click Site Zones (Groups).



  1. Next, select the Add Zone button.
  1. Fill out the fields.


  • Zone Name: Enter the name of the zone.
  • Details: Fill in any information about the zone.
  • ID (Optional): The unique identifier of the zone. If left blank, the system will assign the ID.
  • Preferred Language: Default language of the zone
  • Address: The street address associated with the zone.
  • City: The city in which the zone is located.
  • Country: The country in which the zone is located.
  • State/Province: The state or province of the zone.
  • ZIP/Postal Code: ZIP or postal code where the zone is located.

Click the Create button to save the zone.

Note: If you use runsheets, you must enter a zone address if you wish to use route optimization

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