Sites are the physical locations where your staff will work. Your clients may have a head office with multiple other locations where your employees will work, or they will have one administrative and physical location.
Before you start
To create sites, you must have the View Customers and Create / Edit a Customer permissions.
To add them to your role:
- Select Settings
- Choose View All
- Click Roles & Security
- Find your Role
- Expand the Customers folder and check the boxes next to
- View Customers
- Create / Edit a Customer
Create a site
To create a site, go to:
- Sites (Client)
- Select New Site
1 - Account Type
Clients fall into one of three account types:
- CLIENT Regular Client - Sites where the administrative and physical locations are shared.
- MULTI Multi-Site Client - The administrative head office of a client with other physical locations.
- SITE Site of a Client - The client's physical location, if they have a separate administrative office. Select a Multi-Site Client to associate it with.
2 - Company Information
Enter the company's identifying information.
- Company Name (mandatory)
- Unique ID
- Time Zone
- Logo or picture
- Preferred Language
3 - Main Contact
Enter the information about your main point of contact for the client.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Job Title
- Phone (Main) - check the associated box to have TrackTik send SMS notifications to this number.
- Phone (Other) - check the associated box to have TrackTik send SMS notifications to this number.
- Fax
- Email - The email address must be unique across the portal.
4 - Address
Accurate address information for your client ensures proper geocoding and billing.
- Address
- Address Line 2
- City
- State
- Zip Code - Enter the postal code for your client
- Country - Choose from a list of supported countries. We use ISO 3166 for country code standardization. Please contact us if your client's country doesn't appear on this list.
5 - Zones
Check the associated box to assign the new site to an existing zone.
6 - Employee Relations
Search for the names of your employees responsible for this client's account.
7 - Other / Custom Fields
- Searchable Tags - use custom tags to identify your clients for metrics and auditing.
- Website - add your client's website.
Once you've completed entering your client's information, select Save and add it to List All Sites.