Attendance Watch

Click on the Attendance Watch section to view the current shifts and security guard's attendance. For each security guard, you will see their name, the name of the site or zone where the shift is scheduled, and the position:

Dashboard > Schedules & Attendance > Attendance Watch

Shift Bars:  The black bars represent the scheduled hours for the shift.

Work Bars: The work bars show the hours logged by the security guard. They will appear green if the security guard is clocked in and blue if the security guard has clocked out or completed their shift. Identify problems quickly by observing the difference between the beginning of the shift bar and the work bar.

Current Time: A vertical red line running through the shift bars represents the current time.


Edit shifts and log times from this view by clicking any shift bar. The pop-up window provides several options for modifying the shift. Different options will be available based on the status of the shift and if the shift was vacant or not, such as:

Log Time: If a security guard is no longer working, you can manually log the time the guard worked. Click the Log Time button and adjust the current time logged to the correct time.

Punch-In: Manually clock a security guard into their shift. Click on the Punch-In button and select the security guard's start time.

Replace: If a security guard cannot make their shift, you can use the Replace option to review the list of officers available to cover the shift.

Delete: Delete/remove the shift.

Edit Shift: The Edit Schedule tab allows you to edit the scheduled times for the shift. You can modify the start or end time for the shift. From this window, you can also edit the break length, add comments about the shift, or change which employee is assigned to the shift.



You can also access Attendance Watch directly from the Dashboard by clicking Attendance in the Activity Feed tab.

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