TrackTik's privacy settings offer an outstanding balance of customization and control. You can tailor privacy rules based on whether your team members are clocked in, on break, or clocked out, and even link these rules to specific sites or departments. Appropriate rules ensure compliance with privacy laws and keep everything transparent. Managing permissions and responsibly handling data creates a secure and trustworthy environment.
Customize the privacy settings for mobile users, whether they are clocked in, on break, or clocked out, and how their information will appear in reports.
Create or Edit a Privacy Policy
To create a privacy policy:
- Click Settings
- Choose Privacy Settings
- You will see a list of previously created Privacy Policies on the Privacy Settings screen. They are organized with the following columns:
- Available to sub regions: This indicates whether or not the regional Policy is available to its sub-region.
- Description: The user-created name or short description of the Policy.
- Update Time: The time and date when the Policy was created or last edited.
- Update User: The user who created or last edited the Policy.
- Region: The Region where the Policy was created.
- Edit: Clicking this button will allow you to edit the privacy policy.
- Set Default: Choose this to apply the privacy policy to your entire TrackTik portal.
- To create a new policy, click Create Policy.
Privacy Policy Options
To create or edit a privacy policy, open the Create Policy screen and select from the following options.
Description: Give the privacy policy a name or a brief description.
- Available to sub regions: Check this box to apply the Policy to the Region's sub-regions.
At All Times Option:
- Capture audio in video recordings: This is set to yes by default. Uncheck the box to turn off the audio recording when using watch mode.
Clocked-In Options: When the user has clocked in and signed in
- Record device location: This is set to yes by default. Uncheck the box to turn off GPS tracking.
- Permit remote video recordings: This is set to yes by default. Uncheck the box to restrict remote access to the device's video recording.
- Permit remote audio recording: This is set to yes by default. Uncheck the box to restrict remote access to the device's audio recording.
- Permit remote messages: This is set to yes by default. Uncheck the box to remove the ability to push a message to the device.
- Permit remote speak: This is set to yes by default. Uncheck the box to remove the ability to push a text-to-voice message to the device.
On-Break Options: When the user starts a break
- Record device location: This is set to yes by default. Uncheck the box to turn off GPS tracking.
- Permit remote video recordings: This is set to yes by default. Uncheck the box to restrict remote access to the device's video recording.
- Permit remote messages: This is set to yes by default. Uncheck the box to remove the ability to push a message to the device.
- Permit remote speak: This is set to yes by default. Uncheck the box to remove the ability to push a text-to-voice message to the device.
- Permit the user to complete work: This is set to yes by default. Uncheck the box to prevent the user from writing reports, scanning checkpoints, etc.
- User is displayed in dispatch: This is set to yes by default. Uncheck the box to remove the ability to view the user from the dispatch menu.
Clocked-out Options: When the user clocks out
- Record device location: This is set to no by default. Check this box to track the user when they are signed in but clocked out.
- Permit remote video recordings: This is set to yes by default. Uncheck the box to restrict remote access to the device's video recording.
- Permit remote audio recordings: This is set to yes by default. Uncheck the box to restrict remote access to the device's audio recording.
- Permit remote messages: This is set to yes by default. Uncheck the box to remove the ability to push a message to the device.
- Permit remote speak: This is set to yes by default. Uncheck the box to remove the device's ability to push a text to a voice message.
- Permit the user to complete work: This is set to yes by default. Uncheck the box to prevent the user from writing reports, scanning checkpoints, etc.
- User is displayed in dispatch: This is set to yes by default. Uncheck the box to remove the ability to view the user from the dispatch menu.
Report Policy: Choose the user-identifying information displayed in reports. This information is taken from the Employee Profile.
- Default: This displays the mobile user name and employee ID.
- Employee ID: This displays the Employee ID only.
- First Name: This displays the mobile user's first name.
- Last Name: This displays the mobile user's last name.
- Job Title: This displays the user's job title.
- Email: This displays the email address in the user's employee profile.
- Username: This displays the username created in the employee profile.
- Government Badge ID: This will display the ID number entered in the associated field on the user's employee profile.
Set a Site or Zone's Privacy Policy
Once you have saved the privacy policy, you can assign it to specific Sites. A Site will always have a Privacy Policy. If the Site has never been assigned a Privacy Policy, it will fall back to the Region's default Privacy Policy. The system default will automatically apply if no Privacy Policy has been set at the regional level. In this case, device location tracking will be enabled for the Clocked In and On Break options but not for when the user is Clocked Out.
To set the privacy policy at a Site:
- Click Sites (Client)
- Choose a Site from List All Sites
- Click View
- Choose the Security & Patrol tab.
- Select the Privacy Policy option from the Patrol Menu.
- Choose the desired Privacy Policy from the drop-down menu and click SAVE SETTINGS.
Device Permissions and Privacy Policy
The effectiveness of your organization's Privacy Policy depends on the application permissions granted on the mobile device. Changes to application permissions will supersede any modifications to the Privacy Policy. For example, for TrackTik's remote video recording to function, the application has to have the equivalent permission on the device. It is best practice to grant all requested application permissions when installing Guard Tour. For organizations using Mobile Device Management (MDM), please ensure it aligns with the Privacy Policy you create in TrackTik.