Company Information

In this section, you can manage information about your company, such as the logos that appear on reports and other documents that you send to your clients.

Note: This data was entered when TrackTik set up your system portal.


General Information

Company: The name of the company.

First Name: The first name of the primary company contact person.

Last Name: The last name of the primary company contact person.

Job Title: The job title of the primary company contact person.

Phone (Main): The main company phone number.

Phone (Other): The company's secondary phone number.

Gender: The gender of the primary company contact person.

Email: The email address of the company contact person.



Address: First line of the company address.

Address Line 2: The second line of the primary company address.

City: The company's city.

State: The company's state or province.

Zip Code: The company zip code.

Country: The country in which the company is located.


Use this section to upload company logos. Upload logos that will appear on invoices and reports, emails, and schedules.

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