Mandatory site fields ensure that important information is not missed when new sites are created. Configuring these fields before creating sites is the best practice.
By marking the fields as mandatory, users who have permission to create new sites will not finish creating the site without filling in these fields. You can create different mandatory fields at the Client, Multi, and Site levels.
*Note that if you create mandatory fields at the Multi level they will not be applied automatically to the associated Clients.
Company Information
Unique ID: Require the user to enter a Unique ID when entering a site.
Main Contact
First Name: The primary contact's first name.
Last Name: The last of the primary site contact
Job Title: The job title of the primary site contact.
Phone (Main): The main phone number of the primary contact person.
Phone (Other): Secondary phone number of the primary site contact.
Fax: The contact's fax number.
Address: First line of the company address.
Address Line 2: The second line of the company address.
City: The company city.
State: The company state or province.
Zip code: The zip or postal code of the company.
Country: The company country.