Creating Jobs and Service Types

Learn how to create a new Job or Service Type for Mobile Patrol.



Learn how to create a Job or Service Type for Mobile Patrol

Operation Dashboard - Google Chrome


Creating Jobs and Service Types

To create a new Job or Service Type:

  1. Click the Settings tile.
    Operation Dashboard - Google Chrome
  2. Under Operation Configurations, select Jobs / Service Types. The Jobs / Service Types panel loads, listing all the existing job types.
  3. Click on the Create New button in the upper left corner.
    Operation Dashboard - Google Chrome
  4. Enter the required details requested in the pop-up that loads.Operation Dashboard - Google Chrome
    Description: Name to represent the Job/Service type.
    Prefix code: Code for dispatch task.
    Details: Description of the Job/Service type.
    Report Template: Assign a default Report Template.
    Dispatchable: Select only if you will use this Job/Service type for Dispatchable tasks. It is not required.
    See: Mobile Dispatch: Job/Service Types for Dispatch
    Schedulable (Runsheet): Select for Job/Service type to be assigned to Runsheets.
    Billable Item: For billing purposes. Not required.
  5. Select Save.


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