HR & Payroll: Payroll and Overtime

Set Up Payroll and Overtime

To access the Default Settings for Payroll and Overtime features, follow the path below:

Settings > BackOffice Default > Payroll & Overtime Default Settings Section


Default Employee Hourly Rate: Unless changed by an Employee Class Rate, by an Employee Rate, by a Site or Zone Rate, or by a Position Rate, this will be the default rate for employees.

Please note the Default Hourly rate is not mandatory. However, if you have not put any other Rates in your portal in place, this will cause a critical error when processing your payroll.

Default Pay Schedule: You can create different Payroll Schedules. Once created, they will appear here for you to choose from. If change for an employee, it will apply the Regional Payroll Schedule to all the region employees.

Default Overtime Rule: Choose the overtime rule you wish to apply based on your preferences and location. Unless changed for an employee, the Regional Overtime Rule will be applied to all the region employees.

Overtime Start Day of Week: This information will allow the payroll schedule to start calculating the overtime rule on the right day of the week. Also, this will make sure the overtime shows correctly on schedules and that employees are properly paid for their overtime. Please note that this is a Regional only setting. It cannot change this at the site or the employee level.

Auto Approval of Shifts: This setting will allow setting grace periods before and after the scheduled clock in and clock out. Both grace periods need to be respected by the employee for the shift to auto-approve for the scheduled number of hours. Drag the sliders to adjust the grace periods as needed.

Note: This is a Regional only setting and not configured at the site or the employee level.

Auto-approval will work if the user initiates the clock-in/clock-out. It will not, for example, auto-approve shifts that administrators have manually punched.

Payroll Sorting: This setting allows you to sort the payroll-ready data. It will organize the data in numerical order if Employee ID is selected or alphabetical order by Last Name or First Name depending on the option chosen. Please note that this is a Regional only setting. It cannot change this at the site or the employee level.

Overtime Rules

TrackTik comes pre-loaded with default overtime rules. You can add other overtime rules to comply with legislation in your jurisdiction. Please contact your TrackTik representative to configure a custom overtime rule. 

With TrackTik, you will enjoy great flexibility in how overtime rules are configured and applied.

To see the list of Overtime Rules available in your platform, follow this path:

Settings > Overtime Rules.

Holiday Groups

Create the holidays your company observes for payroll and scheduling purposes. There are no defaults, as holidays vary from one country to another and from one region to another. Therefore, we make it easy to create the holiday group(s) you wish to apply to.

To create a Holiday Group, please follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Settings
  2. Select Holiday Groups
  3. Click New Holiday Groups.

TrackTik comes with a list of predefined holidays. Choose a group name and then check the holidays from the list. You can create several Holiday Groups to fit all your requirements.

If you observe holidays that do not appear on the list, or if certain holidays do not fall on the same day each year, TrackTik can set up custom holidays for you. Please contact your TrackTik representative to do so.


Choose A Default Holiday Group

Administrators can set a Default Holiday Group for all positions in a region.

  • From your portal, click Settings. The main Settings screen is displayed.
  • On the left, under BackOffice Configurations, click BackOffice Default. The settings are displayed.
  • Under Schedule, Default Settings, go to the field Default Holiday Group and click on the drop-down menu to display the available holiday groups.
    • When choosing a default holiday group, it applies to both sections (billing & pay).
    • When choosing a holiday group at the region level, it applies to all positions in the region.


  • If some positions already have a holiday group selected, it will not update the Holiday Group for these existing positions when choosing a default holiday group.
  • When selecting a default holiday group at the region level, holiday billing/payroll settings will be set to “Do not charge holiday/ Do not pay holiday.”
  • If you are running a Payrun and receive a message to check your BackOffice defaults, go to the BackOffice default settings, leave the settings as they are, save the settings and try the Payrun again.
Pay Codes

For information on pay codes and to determine whether they are right for your operation, please contact your TrackTik representative.

Pay & Bill Premiums

Create different Pay or Bill premiums to add to the employee’s pay rate or the bill rate when you charge your clients. You can use pay premiums to incentivize your employees to cover certain shifts or apply a premium if employees working those shifts have special skills.

Follow this path to create a new Pay or Bill Premium.

Settings > Premiums > New Premium


Type: Decide if you want to create an item to be paid hourly, paid ad hoc, or billed hourly.

Code: It will use this code throughout the system. Make sure it is easy to understand and recognize.

Name: It will use this name throughout the system. Make sure it is easy to understand and recognize.

Premium: Type in the premium hourly amount you wish to apply.

Include in Overtime Calculations: Check the box to have it included automatically.

If you chose to create an ad hoc item, other fields appear:

Type: You can make an additional choice to either pay per shift or per day.

Deduction: Identify if this is supposed to be a deduction.

Globally Accessible: Make it available for all regions.

To add a Pay Premium, you must create or edit a specific position at a Site:

Sites (Client) > Select Site > Positions > Create a Position > Pay Setting Section.


Check the option to pay on “This posting rate” to override the Employee Pay Rate.  Then, fill in the required field to set the new Post Pay Rate.

The Pay Premiums field will give you access to pre-created Premiums. Please note that you can add several premiums to the same position.

Export Formats

TrackTik provides access to some pre-defined export formats. Be sure to ask your TrackTik representative about additional integration options.

Follow this path to access export settings. 

Settings >Export Formats > General.


To configure exports, choose your preferred export type from the list of formats. For additional settings on a specific choice, you can navigate the list available under the “General” menu.

We are currently offering the following list of formats for exports:

  • QuickBooks IIF
  • ADP Workforce Now
  • QForce
  • PayChex
  • Novatime
  • 3C
  • BSD
  • PayCom
  • Time Gate
  • SM
  • Heightened

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