HR & Payroll: Dashboards


To see an employee overview, go to the HR and Payroll tab, and click on Employees.


UID: The employee’s ID number.

Name The employee’s first name.

Last Name: The employee’s last name

Title: The employee’s job description.

Pay Type: This indicates whether the employee is hourly or salaried.

Base Pay Rate: The guard’s regular pay rate.

Type: This indicates whether the person is an employee or a contractor.

Termination Date: If the employee has been terminated

Phone: The employee’s phone number.

Blue Clock Button: Clicking this button shows a calendar with scheduled shifts.

Email Button: Email the schedule to the employee.

Setting Button: Clicking this button shows the HR management window, where you can view pay rates and assigned sites, certifications, and uploaded documents.

View Shifts Button: This button displays the employee’s shifts, the pay rate, whether the shift is confirmed, and other information.

Terminate: Terminate the employee.



This area provides access to departments. Use departments to group administrative staff or users who bring their own devices (BYOD).


Department: The name of the department.

Install Code: Users who bring their own devices (BYOD) can use this code to install the application on their mobile devices.

Employees: The number of employees assigned to the department.

View Button: View a list of employees assigned to the department.

Terminate: Terminate the department.


Prepare Payrun

You can prepare payroll-ready data from this area and view a list of periods for which You can prepare payroll data.


Pay schedule: The name of the payment schedule you set up in defaults.

Region: The name of the region for which the data is to be prepared.

Date: The date of the pay data.

Status: The status of the pay data. 

  • Blank: Unprocessed
  • Pre-processed: Pay data has been pre-processed but not finalized.
  • Processed: Payroll-ready data has been processed.

Employees: The number of employees for whom there are payable shifts. This will populate once the pay run has been processed.

Hours: Total number of hours worked for all employees in the pay run.

Total: Total amount being paid in this pay run.

Summary: Print a PDF summary of the payroll-ready data.

Detailed Report: Print a detailed report of the payroll-ready data.

Details/Prepare: Once a pay run has been prepared, click this button to drill down into the details. Or, if the pay run has not been prepared, click this button to prepare it.


Historical Payruns

This menu option contains historical payroll-ready data for periods that have already been processed.


ID: The unique ID of the payroll-ready data.

Status: The status will be either processed or approved.

Note: Even pay runs that have been approved can be unlocked and re-processed if you need to modify a pay run.

Pay schedule: The name of the payment schedule associated with the data.

Period Start: Start date of the payroll-ready data.

Period End: End date of the payroll-ready data.

Employees: The number of employees contained in the pay run.

Hours: Total number of hours included in the pay run.

Total: Total amount being paid in the pay run.

Detailed Report: Print a detailed PDF of the pay run.

Details/Prepare: Click this button to view the pay run's data or unlock and re-prepare the pay run.


Skills Management

This section contains information about skills and attributes. Please refer to this section for more about this topic.


Expiring Certifications

This section lists any skills or attributes that are expiring within the period you select.


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