Learn about Patrols and how to start and reassign them in the Mobile Dispatch tab.
From the main menu, click on the Mobile Dispatch tab. Review settings and manage patrols from this tab. This dashboard shows all the currently scheduled patrols. The information is displayed in block view.
- Missed - the user did not complete the job within the time it was scheduled for.
- Scheduled - the job is scheduled in the future, and the patroller did not yet start the runsheet to which you assigned this job.
- Assigned - the job is scheduled in the future, and the runsheet to which you assigned this job was started by the patroller (runsheet in progress, and this specific job was not yet started).
- Completed - the job is completed and cannot be canceled or reassigned anymore.
Starting Patrols in the Mobile Dispatch tab
As an admin or supervisor, you might need to perform patrols directly from the administrator’s portal. This allows you to complete a patrol for a security guard.
Select the arrows to move forward or backward to check previous and future scheduled patrols or filter the date range of scheduled patrols.
Reassigning Patrols in the Mobile Dispatch tab
If an mobile user selects a job to be reassigned, it will be listed in the Reassign Requests panel under the Mobile Dispatch tab.
There is a tile under Mobile Dispatch listing the total number of jobs awaiting reassignment. Click this button to launch the Reassign Requests panel, or click on the Reassign Requests link on the left-hand menu.
You can reassign a job in 3 ways.
- Reassign to another Runsheet in progress
- Reassign to another Runsheet that has not yet started
- Convert the task as a dispatch and assign it to another user
- Decline a reassignment request
Note: Users only have access to manage reassignment requests for sites in the region they are looking at.
Note: Admin users in HQ or who have access to multiple regions will view and manage all available reassign requests when viewing all regions. Their access will be filtered when viewing a specific region.