Learn about exporting Runsheet Reports in Mobile Dispatch.
The Runsheet report provides administrators with a simple method of reviewing completed runsheets and accessing runsheet analytics. This report is split into two parts; a summary of runsheet completion and event statuses and the details of the completed events.
The runsheet summary includes:
- Runsheet name
- Runsheet start and end time
- Runsheet percentage of completion
- Total run time
- Scheduled events their status
- Name of employee that completed each event
- Timestamps for each status change, if applicable
- Runsheet incomplete reason, if applicable
- Reassignment details, if applicable
The runsheet details include:
- The duration in minutes on-site
- The name of the job type that the user performed
- The report name, ID, and details of the report completed by the employee
- The summary page is ordered by completed jobs timestamp in chronological order (first completed to last completed)
If you configured the scheduled event to prompt a guard tour, TrackTik would include the following information;
- Guard tour name
- Account name
- Guard tour completion ex. 5/7 checkpoints scanned
- Guard tour start time and duration
Exporting and customizing Runsheet Reports
To export your Runsheet Reports:
- From the dashboard, click on the Mobile Dispatch tab.
- Click on Runsheet Overview.
- Search for a Runsheet that has at least 1 job completed.
- Click on the PDF button.
Here is the information in the runsheet summary:
- Runsheet name
- Runsheet start and end time
- Runsheet percentage of completion
- Total run time
- Scheduled events their status
- Name of employee that completed each event
- Timestamps for each status change, if applicable
- Runsheet incomplete reason, if applicable
- Reassignment details, if applicable
Customize Patrol Workflows
In addition to a report on the entire runsheet, you can also configure options to display the timestamps or create custom colored workflow tiles for text or background. These will display in your report that a user fills out when doing individual jobs.
To configure these options, go to Settings > Patrol Workflows.
See also