Understanding widget types

Learn which widget types are available in Data Lab.



Widgets are components that you can use as standalone entities or incorporate into dashboards. They are based on TQL and can be modified using TQL conditional statements. Choose the best widget type for the data you want to display.


To learn more about creating widgets, check out Creating and configuring widgets.


Understanding widget types

Data Lab offers different representations of your data to see your operation's performance.


There are two ways you can effectively show your data using widgets: scalar records and aggregation:

  • Scalar data
    This means showing individual records of data rows, for example, a list of late shift records. You should use a List or Data Table widget to show this information.
    For preset Data Table and List widgets, you can see all related attributes for the data source, so you can see more detailed information. To do this, select any Data Table or List widget and select any underlined values of a related attribute; the in-depth relation details show in the Details side panel.
  • Aggregation data
    This means showing an aggregate measure of some characteristic (attribute) of your data, for example, the sum of the price for your billable items on every contract you have. You could use a Column Chart or Tree Map widget to show this information.
    Negative values are not included in the aggregation results for Pie Charts and Tree Maps.



The counter widget displays a count of the data you select. It is perfect if you want a simple count of employees, sites, invoices, etc.

You can also select the Common Filters option. Depending on the data source you select, you can check one or more boxes to apply filters commonly used with that data source. In the above example, since accounts are the data source, the user can check the Has Employee Assigned option to view a count of accounts with at least one employee assigned.

Go to the OPTIONS tab to add a background color and an icon to your Counter widget. In the same tab, you can also add conditional formatting:

  • Operator
    Define a condition:
    • = (equals)
    • > (greater than)
    • >= (greater than or equal to)
    • < (less than)
    • <= (less than or equal to)
  • Value
    Enter any INT or FLOAT data type.
  • Color
    Select a conditional format color. 


Tree Map

A tree map is a hierarchical representation of the data you select. The map consists of rectangles and nested rectangles that are color-coded depending on the data displayed. A tree map is a good way to get a quick visual representation of data.


In addition to the configurations described above, you can select a color palette for the widget's output under the options tab. Select a palette from the drop-down menu.



Pie Chart

Use a pie chart to represent data in proportion to other data. The proportions are the slices of the pie. A pie chart would be perfect to view invoices by customer, sites by city or state, or employees by job title, for example.



Line Chart

A line chart is ideal for tracking changes in data over time. For example, you can view the number of employees included in pay runs over time, the number of invoices generated by month, or the number of employees terminated by month.




For the line chart, the following configurations are available under the options tab.


  • Options (1)
    Click here to configure the options for this widget.
  • Color (2)
    Select from the drop-down. This will be the color of the line on the line chart.
  • Target Value (3)
    When you enter a target value, a dotted line will appear on the chart indicating this value.
  • Target Line Color (4)
    Select a color from the drop-down. This will be the color of the target line described above.


Column Chart

Use the column chart widget to show a comparison between values. Some examples of use cases include the number of billable items by bill item name, the number of scheduled patrols by site, or the number of scheduled shifts by an employee.


The Column Chart widget has an additional standard filter option:  Default Sort Order. You can order your data records in either ascending (ASC) or descending order (DESC), on either your data measure (COUNT, SUM, etc.) or your data dimension (Group By dimension).



For the column chart, the following configurations are available under the options tab.


  • Options (1)
    Click here to configure the options for this widget.
  • Color (2)
    Select from the drop-down. This will be the color of the line on the column chart.
  • Target Value (3)
    When you enter a target value, a dotted line will appear on the chart indicating this value.
  • Target Line Color (4)
    Select a color from the drop-down. This will be the color of the target line described above.

Gauge Chart

Use the gauge chart to display a target value and compare how close current data is from the target.




For the Gauge Chart, the following options are available:

  • The Options Tab (1)
    Click this tab to configure the following options.
  • Active Color (2)
    On the gauge, this will be the color of the actual entities from the data source you are using.
  • Target Value (3)
    Enter a value used as the target number (set in the “DATA SOURCE” tab).


Data Table

Use the Data Table widget to arrange your data in rows and columns.


Use the table widget to arrange your data in rows and columns. You can also see the count of values tied to any specifically related endpoint record.


Pivot Table

Use the pivot table widget to group and summarize data. You can include sums, averages, and other statistics that help you better understand your operations.


You can group by as many different criteria as you need to with a pivot table.


By default, the data will appear like this in the pivot table.


You can click on any of the arrows to expand the data or click on “SHOW FIELD LIST” to rearrange the rows and columns.


You can then select or deselect the columns you need, apply filters, and decide which data should appear in columns and rows.



Rich Text

Use this widget to add markdown text to a widget and use it in a dashboard.


  • Widget Title
    Add a meaningful name for your widget.
  • Description
    Add a more detailed description for your widget.

Use the options to format the markdown text.


  • Make the text bold
  • Italicize the text
  • Make the text a heading
  • Set quotes
  • Make generic list
  • Make numbered list
  • Add a link
  • Add an image
  • Toggle preview view
  • Toggle side-by-side view
  • Toggle fullscreen


TQL Query

To learn more about the TQL Query widget, check out Using the TrackTik Query Language (TQL) Playground.


YouTube Video

You can link to a video on YouTube and display it on a dashboard with the YouTube Video widget.


  • Widget Title 
    Enter a meaningful name for your widget.
  • The URL of the video 
    Enter the URL of the Youtube video.


Vimeo Video

The Vimeo Video widget allows you to add a video to your dashboard like the YouTube Video widget.


  • Widget Title
    Enter a meaningful name for your widget.
  • The URL of the video 
    Enter the URL of the video.


Horizontal Chart

Like the Column Chart, the Horizontal Chart allows you to compare data or values.


The Horizontal Chart widget has an additional standard filter option: Default Sort Order. You can order your data records in either ascending (ASC) or descending order (DESC), on either your data measure (COUNT, SUM, etc.) or your data dimension (Group By dimension).

To learn more about configuring widgets check out:



The List widget provides a list of items from the data source you select. This example shows a list of invoices.


In addition to the standard configuration option found in all the widgets, defining the sort order is also an option.


Select the sort attribute as the item on which to sort, and then click one of the buttons to choose whether the sort order will be ascending or descending.

To learn more about configuring widgets check out:


Heat Map

With the Heat Map widget, you can create data visualizations with at least two dimensions using colors that you select.


To learn more about configuring widgets check out:


You can plot geo-coded entities with the map widget, such as sites and reports on a map.


  • Use this row of icons to zoom in, zoom out, refresh the map, recenter the map, toggle satellite view, display entities on the map in clusters (1)
  • Select the latitude attribute (2)
  • Select the longitude attribute (3)



  • Set the default zoom that will apply to the map. Enter a number between 1 and 15 (4)
  • Set the default latitude of the map (5)
  • Select the default longitude of the map (6)
  • Check the box to display the current longitude and latitude (7)
  • When the previous option is checked, the current longitude and latitude will display as shown (8)

To learn more about configuring widgets check out:


Summary Table

The Summary Table is a widget that you can use to create statistical data in a table form. The example below is a summary table of invoices grouped by client region.


To learn more about configuring widgets check out:


List of widget Operators

The following is a list of operators available when creating or modifying widgets using attribute filters. Use these operators when you need to filter the output of widgets you create.


    Use this when the selected output should be between the values you select.
    The output should contain the value you enter into the field.
    Use this operator when the output should end with the value you enter.
    Use this operator when the output of the field you select should equal the value you enter.
  • GT
    Use this operator when the widget output should be greater than the value you select.
  • GTE
    Use the greater than or equal to operator when the widget's output for the field you select should be greater than or equal to a value you enter.
  • IN
    Use the in operator when the value you enter should be in the field you select.
    Use this operator to specify that the contents of the field you select should not be null.
    Use this operator when the contents of the field you select should be null.
  • LT
    This operator indicates that the contents of the selected field should be less than the value you enter.
  • LTE
    Use this operator if you want the field's contents you select to be less than or equal to the value you enter.
  • NOT
    Use this operator when the contents of the field you select should not be the value you enter.
    Use this operator when you would like the value of the field you select to start with the value you enter.


List of widget Measures

Measures are ways to perform calculations on a set of data... Many of them are aggregate functions that you would use when writing TQL queries, such as SUM, AVG, or MIN.


    Gets the number of occurrences of the field you select.
  • AVG
    Gets the average of the field you select.
  • SUM
    Total of the field you select.
  • MIN
    Returns the smallest value of the field you select.
  • MAX
    Returns the largest value of the field you select.
    Use this measure to select unique values.
    Use an expression to combine values, operators, and TQL functions that evaluate a value.


List of widget measure pills

Depending on the widget measure you select, several widget measure pills will appear above the measured field. The pill you select will help you further refine and format the output.


  • N/A
    Apply no filters or suffixes to your data.
  • Round (0)
    Round data to the nearest whole number.
  • Round(2) 
    Round data to 2 decimal places.
  • Floor 
    Returns the largest number equal to or less than the number in the field.
  • Ceiling 
    Returns the smallest number that is greater than or equal to the number in the field.
  • Suffix 
    Select a suffix for the data.


See also

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