Setting an Effective Date Rate

Learn how to set an Effective Date Rate for Payroll.


To help you with your payroll needs, you can now set up Effective Date Rates. An Effective Date Rate is a rule you can set in Back Office Suite, so a pay rate goes into effect on a chosen date. This makes your payroll obligations easier, especially if you're due to give out raises at a particular time in a calendar year. You can have multiple Effective Date Rate rules and delete them anytime.



Before you start

Here are some things you must do before you start:

Setting an Effective Date Rate

Start setting an Effective Date Rate to apply one or multiple pay rates.

BackOffice Default

To set up an Effective Date Rate:

  1. Log into your TrackTik Portal.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. In Backoffice Configurations, select BackOffice Default.
  4. Go to your Payroll & Overtime Default Settings and choose Rules.
  5. In the BackOffice Pay Settings table, set your Effective Date Rules:
    • In the Effective Date column, select the Calendar icon to determine the effective date for the rate.
    • In the Hourly Rate column, enter the hourly rate you want to apply to the Effective Date Rule.
    • Select + Add rule to add another Effective Date Rule.
    • Select the X icon to delete an Effective Date Rule.
  6. Select SAVE DEFAULT SETTINGS to apply your Effective Date Rules when done.

The Effective Date Rate is now set for your BackOffice Default.

If the BackOffice Default rate isn't turned on for the Effective Date Rate, your Region Rate is used.

Your employees who use TrackTik SHIFT can see the rate in their Shift Details.


See also


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