Users can perform tours randomly, or they may follow a schedule. Tours can be located either at the site level or zone level. A notification will appear on the mobile device when a scheduled tour is due to be performed.
Checkpoints can be scanned in any order and may be an NFC token, barcode, or GPS location.
NFC will automatically scan. You must trigger the barcode and GPS options by selecting the appropriate button.
Start a tour (View active tour): Access the list of tours available for a site. Offices will select this option to start a tour during their shift or return to an active tour.
View Scheduled Tours: View the list of scheduled tours for a site.
View All Checkpoints: View a list of all checkpoints available at a location. Admins will select this option to write checkpoints.
Scan a Barcode: Use this option to scan a barcode checkpoint.
GPS Scan: Scan a GPS checkpoint.
Reload Settings: If you add or modify checkpoints while a user is clocked in, the user may need to Reload Settings to get the list of updated checkpoints and tours.
- Guard tours can operate entirely offline, no matter the checkpoint or whether the checkpoint has additional scan options.
- Just to remind you, certain activities must happen while online. These include signing in, clocking in, switching sites, accessing post orders, etc.
- Options presented in the checkpoint menu will differ based on the user's permission level. For example, admins will have the ability to write checkpoints, whereas security guards can only scan checkpoints.
- Data usage varies based on the actions you are taking. Checkpoints and tours only require a little data, but reports with pictures (especially HD pictures) and video/audio recordings will use more data. As a rule, 1 GB per month per full-time employee should be sufficient. If the device is on 24/7, 3 GB per month should be enough. However, if many HD pictures are added, you may require more.