Clocking in is essential for timekeeping, but it also supports reporting in the system. For example, clocking in starts a shift in the system and allows the system to generate a shift report (Daily Activity Report) automatically. Properly logging breaks is equally important, enabling the shift report to continue.
Clock-In/Out to Begin or End a Shift
To clock in/out, click on the time clock icon. Then, in the pop-up menu, you will have the option to clock in or out. There are two different options when clocking out.
Clock Out: This option allows you to clock out but stay signed in to the mobile application.
Clock Out & Sign Out: This option clocks you out of your shift and signs you out of the mobile application. It would be best to use this option whenever you are ending your shift.
How to start a break – No Break Rule
- Click on the time clock icon.
- From the pop-up menu, select the Start Break option.
- While you are on break, the colored dot on the time clock icon will switch to yellow, and a yellow notification bar will also be visible. To return from a break, click on the time clock icon again.
How to start a break - Break Rule
When a user takes a break with a scheduled position that has a break rule associated with it, two options appear:
- Meal Break
- Rest Break
Choose the break type to start.
A yellow banner will display showing the following information:
- Current Break: Rest Break or Meal Break
- Elapsed Time and the Start Time
End a Break–Break Rule
Users can end their breaks by clicking on the break banner. Follow the steps below to do so.
Select Click here to end this break.
The following pop-up message appears: 'Time Clock.'
- If you choose End Break, the break session will end.
- You can also choose Clock Out & Sign Out or Clock Out & Stay Signed In.
- If you choose Cancel, the break session will continue.
Break Reminders & Notifications
If a break is scheduled at a specific time, the system will send notifications based on the logic below:
- Start Break: Start the scheduled break immediately.
- Snooze: Postpone the start of the break by 5 minutes, after which TrackTik will notify you again up to 3 times.
- Waive Break: You can choose not to take the scheduled break. You must enter a reason in a comment box.
If a user waives a break, you can pay them for it by adding the time in the pay override field when approving shifts.
Shift Summary Report
A new Shift Summary Report is automatically generated when a shift ends and the mobile user clocks out of the application. Thus, the user can validate the work done at the end of their completed shift.
- Agree: The user confirms that they agree with the shift summary report
- Disagree: The user must explain why they do not agree with the shift summary report
Privacy Policy Options - On Break/Clocked-Out
The privacy policy options can limit, restrict, or allow some activities on the app while the user is on shift.
Settings > Privacy Settings
When Permit the user to complete work is UNCHECKED
[During break/Clocked-Out], the user is only able to use the following:
- Panic Button
- Schedule
- Teams
- Time Clock
- Sites
- Lone Worker
- Emergency Contacts
- Watch Mode
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