Checkpoint Tours

Tours are collections of checkpoints that you can schedule. All scanning options are available for checkpoints within a tour, including requiring reports, asking yes or no questions, asking yes or no questions, confirming a range, asking multiple questions, etc. All checkpoint types are also available for tours.


View Scheduled Tours

You can follow the steps below to view tour schedules at a site or zone.
  1. Tap on the Checkpoints icon.
  2. Select the Tour Schedules option.
  3. Tap on a tour to perform it.

Note: It will display information about a tour below the tour. Tours are also color-coded by status. A late tour will have the red caution symbol next to its name. Each tour listed will also show when it was last performed and the name of the user who completed it.

Tours scheduled to begin in the future will have the blue information circle symbol next to them.

You can still complete a late tour, shown in yellow.


Start a Tour

You will receive an alert when a tour is scheduled to begin. The alerts are offline compatible, so you will be alerted even if you are not connected to data or Wi-Fi.

To perform a tour:

  1. Tap the checkpoints icon from the home screen.
  2. Select Start a Tour.
  3. Select the tour you would like to perform.
  4. Scan the checkpoints according to type (NFC, barcode, GPS).
  5. Once you have scanned all checkpoints, tap the Finish Tour button.
  6. If you select Finish Tour before scanning all checkpoints, you must enter a reason for ending the tour early.


  • If a checkpoint is required, it means the scan is necessary. If you scan the checkpoint but do not complete the tasks within the checkpoint, you can still close the tour when done. The color of the status of that checkpoint within that tour will be yellow instead of green to show that it was scanned but still needs to be completed.
  • You can scan a checkpoint randomly, whether or not the checkpoint is part of a tour. The exception is manual checkpoints without an NFC association. These checkpoints require you to start a tour.



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