Operations Tiles provide real-time information on critical aspects of your field operations. The tiles shown are:
Late Lone Worker: This works with scheduling. It shows the number of late Lone Worker check-ins. Click on the tile to load the Lone Worker page listing the alerts.
Clocked-In via Mobile: The number of employees currently clocked into the system. Hover over this tile to get a list of the clocked-in employees.
Inactive Mobile User: This tile turns red, notifying you if an employee has not performed a task for 60 minutes or more. Hover over the tile to get a list of inactive employees. Click on the tile to load the inactive mobile user page listing the alerts.
Expiring Skills: This tile represents the number of certifications or permits within 30 days of expiring. Click on the tile to load the Expiring Criteria page.
Reports to Approve: This tile represents the number of new reports awaiting approval. By default, a report submitted from the field will have a "New Report" status. Recent reports must be viewed and approved before being archived and made available to clients. Click the tile to load the Reports page.
Reports to relink: This tile represents the number of new reports created at a zone and associated with a site. You populate this list by checking off the "Report should be linked to a site, not a zone" in the report template settings. Click the tile to load the Reports to relink page.
Message Board: This tile represents the number of unread messages for the user's assigned sites.
Scheduled Shifts: The number of shifts in the following 24-hour period.
Panic Alert: This tile flashes red, and an alarm will notify you if a team member has triggered their panic button. Clicking the tile will stop the alert and take you to the Panic Alert system exception ticket list. The list's right-hand column shows the team member's last known GPS location. Note: The alarm can be quieted using your web browser's "mute tab" function.
Late Shifts: The number of late shifts for the current 24-hour period. When 'late-shift' users clock in, the tile is updated. Note: the tile updates within a 5-minute interval.
Leave Requests: The number of pending Leave Requests.
Absent: The number of absent employees based on their Leave Requests.
Pending Assets: The number of assets that must be returned as defined by Asset Tracking.