Using the Message Board

The message board is like a community bulletin board for a site or zone. Like a traditional message board, you can post messages to anyone working at the site.  

The message board provides information that is more event-driven or temporary. These typically include information about events or situations occurring at the site.

  • Click on the Message Board icon.
  • The pop-up menu allows users to filter messages by viewing All Messages or only those they haven't acknowledged in New Messages. 
  • Click on the New Messages option to view unacknowledged messages.

Note: New Messages will include any message the user has not archived. Each message has a color bar on the left-hand side. A red color bar indicates that the message has yet to be acknowledged. 

The green bar marks messages that the employee has acknowledged. Click on a message to change its status.

  • Acknowledge a message with the Acknowledge option or select Acknowledge and archive to acknowledge and remove the message from the active list. This will make the message only accessible under All Messages.
  • Once you acknowledge the message, the color bar will change from red to green.

For more information on the regional hierarchy of the message board, please see this article.

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