HR and Payroll: Work Performed in Multiple Regions

In cases where employees work across multiple regions, their shifts will appear now in their home region when the payroll is calculated. 

  • User 1 performs shifts in region B. 
  • When running payroll for region A, all the performed shifts for User 1 in region B are calculated. 
  • All unapproved shifts for User 1 in region B will be displayed as a warning to notify the payroll user. 
  • When running payroll in the HQ region, all the performed shifts for User 1 in region B are calculated. All the unapproved shifts for User 1 in region B will be displayed as an error for the payroll user to resolve.  

The Hierarchy of Pay Rates 

TrackTik hierarchically applies pay rates. Starting with the most specific (shift rate) and going to the least specific (Default BackOffice setting), the hierarchy is as follows:

  1. Shift Rate:  If the shift has a pay rate value, it is taken from wherever the user worked 
  2. Position Rate: If the position has a post rate value, it is taken from wherever the user worked 
  3. Account/User Rate: If the account/user has a pay rate, it is taken from wherever the user worked 
  4. HR Profile: This is taken from the user profile in the user’s home region 
  5. Employee Class/Group: Is taken from the user’s profile home region 
  6. Default rate (Backoffice setting): Is taken from the user’s profile home region 

Remember that the more specific rate will override the less specific rate.

HR & Payroll: Overtime Calculation In A Region With Sub-Regions

When User 1 has worked overtime (OT) in sub-regions A1, A2, A3, the OT calculation is based on the overtime rule settings in User 1’s home region (region A in this example).

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