How to Create and Edit Dispatch Report Templates

Dispatch report templates are the reports guards will fill out when they respond to dispatch calls. They are configured in the same way as other report templates. For more information on reports, please see this article.

To create a new dispatch form, follow the steps below.

From the settings menu, select the Report Templates option.

Click on the New Custom Report button.


Complete the information in the pop-up form. In the Type drop-down, change the type of report to a Dispatchable Task.

Flag the report as “On-demand,” so it is not visible to all officers. The template will only be visible during that specific dispatchable job/service.

(Optional) Report tag: If you add a tag to the report and use the same tag on other reports with the same name, you can pull some report metrics from all those reports simultaneously.

Click on the Save button to create the dispatch form.


Note: The form builder will work like a standard field report. However, dispatch forms have an additional option for each field added to the report. Each field must be assigned to the site security guard or the Dispatch Center dispatcher.


To edit the form, click the Edit button to edit its details or the Fields Setup button to modify the form in the report builder.

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