Performing Jobs

Starting a Job

The list of jobs provides information and options for each job associated with a runsheet.

Sequence Tab: An overview of runsheet jobs in sequential order.

Grouped Tab: Jobs for the same site will appear here.

Completed Tab: A list of jobs that you have already completed.


Reload Button: Refreshes the list of jobs.

Optimize Button: Click this button to optimize the list of jobs according to your current location and the number of jobs completed.

Finish Button: Finish the runsheet. When you finish a runsheet without completing the jobs


Tap on a job to perform that job. A list of options will populate.


On Route: The mobile user is on their way to the site, and no navigation assistance is needed.


On Route and Start Navigation: The mobile user is on their way to the site and needs assistance navigating. A Google map will populate.

Arrived on Site: The mobile user has arrived on site. This option signs the mobile user into the site.

Request Reassignment: This option sends a message to the administrator to reassign the job to another mobile user or runsheet.

Note: The status of the job will change depending on the option you select.

Once you are on route, you will see the following options:


Navigate to Site: Get help navigating to the site by viewing Google Maps.

Arrived on Site: Select this option once you have arrived at the site.

Postpone to Later: When you select this option, the on-route status disappears, allowing you to continue the job later.

Request Reassignment: When you select this option, the administrator will receive a request to reassign the job to another runsheet or another mobile user.


Reassign A Patrol From Mobile App

Users can reassign a patrol directly from the mobile application. This saves time because no
dispatcher or call center involvement is required.


Steps to Reassign:

  1. From the list of patrols, select the one you would like to reassign
  2. Select the Reassign option
  3. Confirm that you would like to reassign the patrol
  4. Select an available runsheet and enter a reason for the reassignment. Tap the reassign button
    to complete the process.

Note: Permission 'Can reassign from mobile' must be selected mceclip2.png


Arriving on Site

Select Arrived on Site when you have arrived. You will receive a message that you are signing into the site, and all actions taken will be associated with that site.


Once you are on the site, you have the following options:


View Site Instructions: Site instructions are actions the mobile user must take when performing the job at the site.


View Site Post Orders: Select this option to view post orders at the site.


Finish Job and Complete Report: This option allows the mobile user to fill out the report associated with the job and finish the job.

Postpone to Later: Clears the current job status and allows the mobile user to perform the job later.


Once you have completed the job, select Finish Job and Complete Report.

Fill out the report.

Select Send.

Note: The job will now appear under the Completed tab.


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