Overview of the TrackTik Guard Tour mobile app

Depending on the features your organization uses, the home screen of the TrackTik Guard Tour app will have different icons. The following article teaches you how to sign in and gives you an overview of the icons.

Sign in to the Mobile Application

Enter your username and password to log in and access the mobile application.

  • Username or Email: Type in your username.
  • Password: Enter your case-sensitive password.
  • Sign in: Once you have provided your username and password, click Sign in to access the mobile application.

Once you have signed in to the mobile application, you can clock in for a shift or use the application without clocking in. However, you must clock in to generate a shift report for activities performed on the device.

Guard Tour Homescreen 2024.png

  • Time Clock: Clock in and out of your shift.
  • Checkpoints: Begin a new tour or resume your current tour. Admins can also create checkpoints.
  • Site Tasks: Perform individual tasks that aren't part of a checkpoint tour.
  • Reports & Logs: Access a site's report forms.
  • Dispatch Tasks: Perform jobs that you have been dispatched to. 
  • Message Board: Post messages at sites and zones for employees to view and acknowledge.
  • Lone Worker: You can check in at scheduled times when working alone.
  • Post & Escalation Orders: View the post orders for the Site where you work.
  • Visitor Log:  Search and log visitors for Visitor Management.
  • Asset Tracking: You can use this to manage the inventory of necessary items.
  • Emergency Contacts: Access the emergency contacts for the Site where you work.
  • Change Position: Change your Position during your shift.
  • Team: View and contact your team members working at the same Site or Zone.
  • Flashlight: Activates your mobile device's camera flash to serve as a flashlight.
  • Schedules: View your scheduled shifts.
  • Watch Mode: You can record video with your device and share it directly in TrackTik.
  • Panic ButtonThe Panic button triggers an alarm and sends a notification to your team. 
  • Settings: Basic settings options such as changing your password or PIN, reloading settings, or running diagnostics.
  • Sites: The Sites icon will appear when your device is assigned to a Zone. Clicking the icon allows you to sign in to different Sites within your Zone.
  • Runsheets: Access runsheets and perform jobs.
  • Tasks: Access the list of tasks that you are assigned. Update tasks to show your progress.
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