Approve or decline an Urgent Leave Request

Learn how to approve or decline an Urgent Leave Request in Back Office Suite.


Your employees might have shifts they can't attend for emergency or personal reasons and must submit an Urgent Leave Request for your approval.



Approve or decline Urgent Leave Requests

To approve or decline a Leave Request, use the LEAVE REQUEST tile:

  1. Log into your TrackTik Portal as an administrator or manager.
  2. Choose the LEAVE REQUESTS tile.


  3. Choose the Absent tab.
  4. Select the shift you want to approve or decline.
    In the Type to search... bar, you can enter an employee's name to find them and their request. 
  5. Select APPROVE or DECLINE.

    If there are any shift conflicts, you can post them as an Open Shift or Vacant Shift for other employees to take. To learn more about Open and Vacant Shifts, check out Scheduling.

The decision is recorded in the Completed tab. To see more details about the Leave Request and who reviewed it, select the row of a Leave Request. 

Your employee is notified in TrackTik SHIFT about the decision.


See also


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