Scheduling How To

What is the difference between the schedule and the template?

There are two different active views of the schedule. First, the Schedule includes all shifts that have been published, whereas the Template displays the recurrent schedule for a site, zone, or department. 



You can set the Template to follow a recurring schedule template by site, zone, or department. This allows admins to create templates for each site based on the site's requirements. For example, some locations may use a weekly recurrent schedule, but this flexibility allows admins to define the recurrent schedule period by weeks or days. Schedule templates are an efficient way to automate recurring or known shifts week after week. Schedulers will use the Rolling Schedule to prepare schedules week-over-week that will be applied repeatedly until the end of the service period. Once the schedule has been prepared for a period, it can be published. This will move those shifts to the Master Schedule.



The Schedule includes all shifts that have been published from the Template. This is the final version of the schedule for all sites. Typically, the Schedule is only edited for an exception, such as an employee requiring a replacement. Using the Quick Shift Tool feature, you can batch edit multiple exceptions.

Example: An employee has a doctor's appointment on a Tuesday. Since this is not a recurring appointment, you can change the Master Schedule. If the employee has recurring visits, you can replace the employee in the Rolling Schedule, which can replace the employee for every recurring Tuesday shift.


Publishing Shifts

It is the action of making the schedule viewable/available. It will allow the schedule to flow to many different areas in TrackTik.

Publishing shifts allows employees to see the shifts in sites, zones, and departments. This feature will enable schedulers to distribute schedules to employees regularly without changing the schedule. Once a Scheduler is satisfied with a site's schedule, they can publish those shifts. You can only edit published shifts from the Schedule, not the Template.

Distributing Schedules

Simply put, it sends the schedule to all affected employees by email.

The email address in each employee's profile is used to send the published schedules. Therefore, it is recommended to include an employee's email address in their employee profile to receive schedules.


Skills and Attributes


Skills and Attributes (certifications, permits, uniforms, etc.) are assigned to an employee to note whether the employee complies with a position or shift requirements. 

There are three different kinds of requirements. 

Soft Requirements: These are skills or certifications that are preferred but not required for the position. Employees can be scheduled if they do not meet the Soft Requirements for a shift, but you will inform the scheduler of the discrepancy.

Conditional Requirements: The employee must have at least one of the conditional requirements to work at the position.

Hard Requirements are required skills, certifications, or permits for a shift. It will block employees from the shift if they do not possess the credentials defined in the Hard Requirements.

For more information, please refer to Skills and Attributes.




The Pay Run is a defined period that includes all hours an employee will be compensated during a pay period. The Pay Run is the recurring period that defines what shifts and hours will be included in a pay period. For example, an employee paid weekly would have a 7-day Pay Run.


Pre-Process a Payroll


This is the first step in processing payroll and constitutes a mock process for payroll. The Pre-Processed data notifies administrators of conflicts before they process the payroll. In addition, it notes all the exceptions present in the current period, such as unapproved shifts, and allows administrators to correct any discrepancies before payroll is officially processed.


HR / Employee Profile


The Employee profile is accessible directly within the scheduling. It provides a quick view of employee information, including availabilities, pay rate, site assignments, skills and attributes, and other information that may influence scheduling decisions.


Overtime Period and Cut-Off Day


Overtime is calculated every seven days. Since employees must navigate different sites and rolling schedules, the Overtime Period is defined by the employee. The Cut-Off day marks the end of an overtime period. For example, the Cut-Off day for overtime could be set to a Monday. This would end the overtime period and effectively restart overtime calculations each Monday. The Overtime Cut-Off day allows the system to understand where rules like "consecutive days" should be ended and restarted.


Posting to the Shift Board


The Shift Board is a calendar view accessed through the employee portal, allowing employees to pick up extra shifts. In addition, this board is accessible to administrators with permission to review posted shifts and post new ones.

If the Shift Board is enabled, Schedulers can post uncovered shifts. The Shift Board collects all unassigned shifts, making them available to employees who meet the shift's criteria.




Availabilities work on a recurring weekly schedule. Employees can have three different classes of availability. These are color-coded for easy identification: 

Green: The employee is available to work and can be scheduled without exception.

Yellow/Orange: The employee is available if needed but preferably will not be scheduled during this time. The employee can be scheduled, but the system will notify the scheduler that there could be issues with the employee accepting the shift.

Red: The employee cannot be scheduled during this time and will be blocked from accepting shifts.


Preferred Schedule Publish Frequency


This is the recurring period for posting a new schedule. Typically, schedules are posted weekly, bi-weekly, or semi-monthly. The Preferred Schedule Publish Frequency is a timer that will notify schedulers when a new schedule needs to be prepared and posted.


Target Weekly Hours


Target Weekly Hours allows Schedulers and Admins to set the expected weekly hours for an employee. This will trigger notifications for Schedulers while assigning shifts. It also helps ensure employees are provided the hours they expect each week. Since employees can be paid hourly or salaried annually, this also ensures that salaried employees are scheduled for a complete week.


Features That Require Scheduling


The Scheduling Module must be activated and configured beforehand for some features to work. Three key features require Scheduling:

IVR system: It stands for "Interactive Voice Response." It is a system that allows employees to clock in/out for their scheduled & published shift using a phone number specific to each region of the TrackTik portal. It also allows "Shift offer by SMS" from the "Replace Window."

BYOD: It stands for "Bring Your Own Device." Used in conjunction with Departments to allow users to use their mobile phones to work and only connect if they have a published shift on the schedule of a site or a zone.

Lone Worker: This allows a user working alone to signify their presence through the mobile application or the IVR system. Their scheduled check-in will be embedded in their regular shift schedule.


Schedules and Attendance: Overview


The preview section provides quick access to critical data. Each option in the Overview section provides a high-level view of scheduling data.

Access this section by following this path:

Dashboard > Schedules & Attendance > Overview Section


The Live Schedule

The Live Schedule overviews schedules at sites, zones, and departments. You can also perform many scheduling functions from here. You can also filter by account, user, or vendor.


Live Schedule Color Coding

  • If the shift is Vacant and missed, Background color = red + left side = red
  • If the shift is assigned and missed, Background color = none + left side = red
  • If the shift is assigned and completed, Background color = none + left side = green
  • If the shift is assigned and status_in, Background color = none + left side = blue
  • If the shift is assigned and late, Background color = none + left side = yellow


Red Shift: Vacant shift past and future. The shift scheduled on the current date is not being worked.

Yellow Shift: Shift that has passed and was not worked.

Green Shift: Shift that has been worked.

Purple Shift: Shift in the future that is assigned (rolled).

Grey-blue shift: Shift that is assigned (not rolled) in the future.

Light Blue Shift: Shift that is currently being worked.

Black Background (Not Pictured): Shifts on closed days appear with a black background.

In Account Schedules


Red Shift (left side only): Shift has not been worked (no punch).

Red Shift (left side and tile): The shift is vacant and not worked.

Green Shift: Shift that has been worked.

Light Blue Shift: Shift that is currently being worked.


Additional Overview Features


Dashboard: The scheduling dashboard provides a high-level overview of scheduling exceptions and general information about scheduled shifts and attendance.


  1. Vacant Shifts: Shifts begin within the specified periods that do not have an employee assigned.
  2. Unconfirmed Shifts: Shifts that guards have not confirmed.
  3. Hours Summary: This window counts hours and shifts within specified periods.
  4. Attendance Exceptions: View the exceptions for each type within the specified periods.


Schedule Overview:  View the calendar of all scheduled shifts, including all employees and all sites.


Employee Settings: Provides access to all employees and their related information, including name, title, pay type, and listing if they're employees or contractors. In addition, it provides their main contact number in the Employee Settings panel. 

Provides access to a calendar view of the selected employee's schedule or loads their actual schedule, allowing it to be modified on the fly.

The Setting button provides access to the employee's Settings, including their HR profile, Skills & Attributes, and schedule availability, among other settings. One other feature provided here is the ability to terminate an employee quickly.


Labor Budget P&L: This feature provides insight into Profit & Loss per account based on payroll and billing hours.

To set the permissions to work with the Labor Budget P&L report, go to Settings → Roles & Security → Admin Portal Roles → Choose any Role → Click on Scheduling permission → "View Labor Budget P&L."


  • This permission controls the "Labor Budget P&L" tab.
  • Go to Dashboard → Schedules & Attendance → below Overview →  Labor Budget P&L


Shift Tiles


You can manage shift start and end times from within shift tiles, swap out guards, approve time, add shift notes, and more. Shift tiles are accessible from the Live Schedule and within the site, zone, and department schedules.

Click on a Shift tile to view the information it contains.


  1. Replace Button: Replace the employee assigned to the shift with another employee.
  2. Cancel Button: Cancel the shift.
  3. Shift Information:
    1. When the shift is starting
    2. Employee: The first and last name of the employee
    3. Date: The date of the shift
    4. Time: The start date and time of the shift.
    5. Hours: The hours clocked by the employee.
    6. Site: The name of the site.
  4. Shift Pay Codes: A breakdown of the number of hours by pay code.
  5. An analysis of the number of hours by pay code and by day.
  6. Split Button: Split the shifts between two guards.
    1. Click the Split button.
    2. Select the time to split the shift.
    3. Select the employee and the break via minutes for the first shift.
    4. Select the employee and the break via minutes for the second shift.
    5. Click Save.


Shift Information Tab


Replace Button: Click this button to select a different employee to work the shift.

Employee: The employee's name.

Date: The date of the shift.

Time: The start and end times of the shift.

Site: The name of the site or account.

Position: The name of the position.

Add Break: This button allows you to add a break manually.

Punch: The date and time of the punch-in and the punch-out.

Below the punch data is information about how the punches occurred.

  • System auto clock out: This automated feature clocks the employee out after a certain period of inactivity.
    • If the shift is scheduled 7 hours after the scheduled end time, it will close at the scheduled end time if no activities have been logged between the end time and now. If there has been an activity after the scheduled end time, it will use the last activity time. It will only close the shift at the scheduled end time or the time of the last activity after at least 2 hours of no activity.
    • If the shift is unscheduled, 15 hours after the clock-in time, it will close 8 hours after the clock-in time if no activities have been logged in the last 7 hours. If there have been activities in the last 7 hours, it will use the last activity time. It will only close the shift at the 8-hour mark or the time of the last activity after at least 2 hours of no activity.
  • Batch Interface: Punch was done with the batch time clock feature.
  • Browser: The punch was done with an Onsite license.
  • Mobile Application: Punch was performed on a mobile device

Shift Pay Codes: The pay codes and the number of hours break down for the shift.

Overtime Period Start: The day on which the overtime clock re-sets.

Daily Shift Breakdown: This section shows a breakdown of shifts for the period and the number of hours assigned to each pay code.


The Edit Schedule Tab

The Edit Schedule tab allows you to make changes to the scheduled shift.


Scheduled Date/Time

  • Time Range: The start and end times of the shift.
  • Shift Start Date: The date when the shift begins.
  • Break (in minutes): The duration of the break-in minutes.

Position Option

You can either use a position at the current site or search for a position at all sites/accounts.

Note: Archived positions will be available for selection in this section.


  • Type: Select from employees assigned to the site or search all employees.
  • Employee: The name of the selected employee.
  • Comment/Note (Optional): Enter an optional note in this field.


The View Notes Tab

Use this tab to view and enter shift notes.


Note/Comment: Enter notes about the shift.

Add as billing note: For reference purposes only. Check the box to flag the note as a billing note.


Time Approval Tab

You can use this tab to approve the shift and change the approved hours, billing, or payroll hours.


Payroll: Select the option to pay or not pay the shift.

Billing: Choose the option to bill or not bill the shift.

Options: Select the option of a regular shift or of time off.

Approved: Enter the approved number of hours.

Payroll Override: The number of hours to be paid differs from the approved hours.

Billing Override: Enter the number of hours to be billed if different from the approved hours.

Overrides Payroll Rate: Enter a rate to override the existing payroll rate.

Overrides Billing Rate: Enter a rate to override the existing billing rate.


Default Settings


To use the Scheduling & Attendance Module, you must set the defaults. Default settings will be used across the platform unless you decide to override them in specific locations such as a site, zone, or complete department.

Settings > BackOffice Configurations > BackOffice Default > Schedule Default Settings.


You can follow the guidance below to set your defaults.


Choose a Cycle First Date

Unless changed for a specific zone, site, or department, this will be the default duration of the template. Default options are 7 or 14 days. 

To apply a specific cycle setting to a zone, site, or department, follow one of those paths: 

Sites (Client) > Select Site > Schedules > Prepare > Settings

Sites (client) > Site Zones (Groups) > Select Zone > Schedules > Prepare > Settings

Employees > Department > View desired Department > Schedules > Prepare > Settings.


You can also configure the following settings at the site, zone, or department level on this screen.

Show Closed Days in Template: Differentiate between closed days and when the client is open.

Allow Shift Board Self-Schedule: This setting allows guards to schedule themselves for vacant shifts posted to the shift board.

Schedule Cycle: Choose from 7-day, 14-day, and custom options. This setting determines the length of a single schedule template period.

First Period Start Date: Your template begins on this date. The day this date falls is when your schedule cycle will begin each period. See Schedule Template First Day of Week.


Schedule Template First Day of Week

Unless changed for a specific zone, site, or department, this will be the default starting day of the week for each schedule template.

If the default is set to a Monday, the template will repeat from Monday to Sunday (every 7-day schedule cycle). If the start date for a specific site is set to a Thursday, it will repeat from Thursday to Wednesday (every seven-day schedule cycle). And will continue unless a change is made to the schedule cycle or the first-period start date.

To apply a specific cycle or template setting to a zone, site, or department, follow one of these paths: 

Sites (Client) > Select Site > Schedules > Prepare > Settings

Sites (client) > Site Zones (Groups) > Select Zone > Schedules > Prepare > Settings

Employees > Department > View desired Department > Schedules > Prepare > Settings.


Preferred Schedule Publishing Frequency

Default options are Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or Monthly. 

When publishing, all shifts will be published by default to zones, sites, and departments. 

You can also publish to sites, zones, or departments only or publish to a specific one of these entities. To do so, follow one of these paths.

Dashboard > Schedules & Attendance > Live Schedule > Publish Schedules

Sites (Client) > Select Client > Schedules > Prepare > Publish.



Allow Scheduling For Closed Business Days

Identify days when the site is not occupied, such as weekends for an office building, and allow specific shifts to be scheduled. This option will be added to your template to allow a unique schedule on those days. 

To set up a unique schedule on closed business days, follow this path:

Sites (Client) > Select Client > Schedules > Prepare > Template > Settings > Closed Days.


Request Employee Schedule Acknowledgment

The schedule must be published before it can be distributed. Distribute the schedule via email to allow employees to confirm their shifts directly from their email. They will receive an automated email based on the schedule's distribution range.

To distribute a schedule, follow this path:

Sites (Client) > Select Client > Schedules > Distribute Schedule.


The Dashboard will display red tiles with numbers until employees acknowledge their schedule. This represents the number of shifts that have yet to be acknowledged. Next, you can look at the unconfirmed and find a specific employee. From there, you will have access to each unconfirmed shift. 

To access it, follow this path:

Dashboard > Schedules & Attendance > Dashboard > Unconfirmed Shifts.


Minimum Rest Period Between Shifts

Enter the number of hours. This will enforce a minimum rest period between shifts when an employee is scheduled. Note that a shift must not be published for this to work.

  • In your portal, go to SettingsSettings. The System Configs screen appears.
  • In the left menu, click Scheduling.
  • For the field Send Late Clock-Out Alert after (in minutes), enter the number of minutes for the grace period after the shift ends to trigger the clock-out notification.
  • Click Save.
  • Mobile users will get a pop-up message with the following options:
    • Clock out & Stay Signed In
    • Clock Out & Sign Out
    • Snooze (5 min). If the mobile user is still on duty, they can snooze this reminder message for 5 minutes until they are asked to clock out again. If the user has the shift extended, the alert will stop.

Note: As long as a user has a scheduled shift and is clocked in, the user will get the clock-out reminder notification. If a user clocks out but is still signed in, the user will not get the notification.


Send Late Clock-Out Alert


The Reports section is your one-stop shop for the information you need. Information can be downloaded easily, and it is an excellent analytical tool that provides a broad view of services, employees, and schedules.

View the Reports Section here:

Dashboard > Schedules & Attendance > Reports Section.


Hourly Services: Access the complete list of hourly services, with all their details, such as regular pay rate, overtime pay rate, billing information, and much more.

Employee Summary: This summarizes the employees' scheduled hours and views the employees' schedules.

Scheduling Summary: Provides a summary of all schedules and their respective information for a specific time frame.

Schedule Preparation

The Schedule Preparation section is where Schedulers will create Schedule Templates and assign employee shifts. 

Access this section by following this path:

Dashboard > Schedules & Attendance > Schedule Preparation Section.


The options in this section allow schedulers to create shifts at different operational entities such as Sites (Clients), Departments, or Zones. From the Schedule Preparation section, you can select where to schedule the employee's shifts.

Sites (Clients): Dedicated or static employees can be scheduled at sites because their duties never require leaving the assigned site.

Departments: Administrative staff and salaried supervisors can use the Departments option.

Zones: Mobile or patrol employees should be scheduled at zones since their duties typically require visiting several sites during their shift.


Attendance and Resolution

The Attendance and Resolution section provides a view of real-time time attendance. Additionally, this section offers options for different expectations typically managed by schedulers. This section can be used to monitor attendance and forecast issues in the schedule. Each option in this section serves a specific purpose for managing shifts.

To access this section, please follow the bath below:

Dashboard > Schedules & Attendance > Attendance & Resolution Section.


Attendance Watch: View the real-time time and attendance of employees. The visual layout provides a quick view of whether employees showed up and clocked in as scheduled. This section also includes information about Lone Worker check-ins.

Batch Timeclock: It is the option where schedulers can clock users in or out.

Vacant Shifts: List all vacant shifts and assign them to employees.

Unconfirmed Shifts: Access the list of scheduled shifts that an employee still needs to confirm. 

Proposal Queue: View shifts offered to employees and whether they have accepted them.

Shifts Notes: Consult and read all notes created during shifts in a single place.


Creating a Position 

Positions are used across the platform for key features such as Scheduling, Billing, and Mobile Patrol. You must have at least one position at a site, zone, or department to schedule employees within said location.

You can create positions at sites, zones, or departments.

From a Site:

Sites (Client) > Select Site > Overview > Positions > Create a Position.


From a Zone:

Sites (Client) > Site Zones (Groups) > Select Zone > Positions > Create a Position


This will open the Create a position window you can fill.


Post Base Settings

The Post Base Settings are essential to identify and define the Position and communicate important information to the employees when sending them their schedules.


Post Name and Post ID: They will help you search for specific positions in the future, so use a name or an ID that makes sense and that you will remember.

Short Description of Tasks: This is for internal use only and should describe employees' activities.

Schedule Memo: Gather the information you wish to provide the employee scheduled for this position. For example, you could remind employees to dress according to the weather for an outdoor post. This information will be available in the email distribution of the schedule.

Status: Can be either "Active" or "Archived." If the position is still in use and you want to use it as part of your scheduling process, then make sure it is active; otherwise, you can archive it so it doesn't appear anymore.


Requirements are also commonly referred to as Skills & Attributes. This section links the right skills and attributes to each position. This step is vital as it will allow only the right person with the suitable skill set to work in each position. 

Hard Requirements: They are requirements that the employee MUST have to be assigned the position. Someone without them won't appear in your search if you try to assign the position.

Conditional Requirements: The employee must have at least one of them to work at the position.

Soft Requirements: They are the preferred requirements; consider them "nice to haves."

Service Dates

Service dates will allow for better planning to start and stop scheduling for a position at the correct date.

Service Duration: Choose whether you want the position to be Ongoing or Temporary Service.

Begin Date: This is simply the date from which the position will be available to be scheduled.

Expense Reimbursement: Add Ad Hoc Earning items that will be reimbursed after approval.


Skills & Attributes and Positions

Although you can use them separately, Skills and Attributes are an essential scheduling aspect. They can be certifications or permits; they can be employee skills or items the employee possesses, such as uniforms. Enabling Skills and Attributes ensures you always have the best available employee assigned to your client.

First, you can assign Skills and Attributes to individual employees. Then, set the Skills and Attributes for a position. Employees will only be able to work in positions where they have the necessary skills and attributes. 


The advantages of using skills and attributes include:

Scheduling: Only see employees that meet the necessary compliances for the post/position. Most likely, these compliances will be required from the client receiving the service. I.e., site-specific training, firearm license, First aid/CPR training,

Liability: Depending on the country, state, province, or area your employees will be working. This will help ensure they meet the minimum requirements to work for the Security Company. I.e., Security Guard Card, Driver's License, and Language.

Employee Management: With our date fields, you will ensure that all employees renew their certifications on time. TrackTik will warn admin users of soon-to-expire skills and attributes. Default settings will warn the admin 30 days before the expiry date. This setting can increase or decrease the days before a warning is triggered.

Growth for employees: This will help you promote the right employees in their current roles and toward new roles.


Creating Skills & Attributes

Please see the article on creating, assigning, and managing Skills and Attributes for more information.


Introduction to Schedule Templates

The next step in the scheduling process involves creating Schedule Templates. Templates can be created and followed by the Site (Client), Zone, and Departments. You can set up weekly, bi-weekly, and custom-length schedules in TrackTik. The most common scenario is weekly schedules.

These are the basic steps involved in scheduling:

  • Create a Template
    • Choose the right Settings
    • Assign employees to the Site
    • Create Recurring Shifts
    • Assign Recurring employees to Shifts
    • Manually confirm Template
  • Switch to the Schedule
    • Create Ad-Hoc Items
    • Assign Vacant Shifts
    • Roll the Schedule to confirm
    • Publish the Schedule on the platform
    • Distribute the Schedule to employees

The following sections describe how to perform each of those steps.


Template Definition and Best Practices

The Schedule Template is a pattern that repeats when you define a template start date. Therefore, the more information you add to the template, the more time you save. Keep the following best practices in mind when creating a template:

  • You can define a template at a site, a zone, or a department. 
  • No matter where you create the template, you can also define breaks, shift start and end times, and the number of shifts to be worked each day.
  • If the same person regularly works a shift, assign that person to the shift on the template. However, if different employees cover the shift from week to week, leave the shift unassigned on the template.
  • If configured, you may see one column to set up a template for the site "Closed days." This will ensure that for each configured closed business day. The closed business day configuration will overwrite the regular schedule. 

To set up a Schedule Template, follow one of those paths: 

Sites (Client) > Select Site > Schedules > Prepare > Template

Sites (client) > Site Zones (Groups) > Select Zone > Schedules > Prepare > Template

Employees > Department > View desired Department > Schedules > Prepare > Template.


This will open the following window. You can create and manage your Template and Schedule by switching from one to the other.


Follow the path below to access all site schedules, zones, and departments.

Dashboard > Schedules & Attendance > Schedule Preparation section

Some template and schedule modifications can delete shifts. The system will warn you if this is the case.


Template Roles and Permissions

Access to the TrackTik Scheduling module depends on roles and permissions.

Admin portal role: When creating an Admin role, you will give one or more of the following viewpoints: Schedule Template, Site Schedule, or Live Schedule. Those Viewpoints will provide the user access to every site/zone in the region.

Staff portal role:  When creating a Staff role, you can give the following viewpoints: Schedule Template and Site Schedule. This will be available through the Manager Dashboard; no On-site License is required. It will be limited to the site/zone the employee is assigned to. 

Note: If an employee accesses TrackTik with an Onsite license, they will see your published schedules. You can also grant Manager Dashboard access to supervisors. With this access, supervisors can schedule guards for all their sites.

Create The Schedule Template

Follow the steps below after clicking the Prepare button.

  1. Ensure you are in Template mode.
  2. Choose your Template Start Date.
  3. Click Save. 
  4. Build your Template.

The template will continue to be applied until the end of the service contract for the site.


If a Template exists at the Site (Client), Zone, or Department, it will automatically load the schedule for the current cycle. Make sure to click the switch button to TEMPLATE in the upper left-hand corner.


Once a template has been created, it will automatically populate recurring shifts to the site, zone, or department's active schedule.


Settings for Schedule Template

Before you create shifts in the template, please follow the steps below to ensure the template settings are accurate.

  1. Click on the Settings button above the scheduling grid 
  2. Verify if closed days will affect the schedule. For example, if the location is locked over the weekend, should those days still be shown in the schedule? This allows you to automatically remove days from the calendar when employees are not required.
  3. The Shift Board allows you to post Vacant Shifts to a community board where employees assigned to the site can pick up the vacant shifts. 
  4. Set the template cycle duration. The template can work on a 7-day, 14-day, or a custom number of days.
  5. Confirm the starting date for the template and click on the Save button.


Assign employees to the Site, Zone, or Department

Employees must be assigned to a site to be eligible to work shifts scheduled at the site. Please ensure all the employees at this site are currently assigned and available in the list on the screen's right-hand side.

Follow the steps below to register an employee on the site:

  1. Click on the Assign Employee button 
  2. Begin typing the name of the employee. 
  3. Select the employee from the drop-down menu as it begins to populate. If the employee's pay is subject to change based on the post they work at the site, click on the checkbox Overwrite employee pay rate at this site.
  4. Click the Save button to confirm that the selected employee appears in the correct list. 

Continue this process for each employee who will be working at the site.

Bulk Create Shifts Using the Quick Shift Tool

The Quick Shift Tool is the toolbar located above the scheduling grid. This tool allows you to create shifts in bulk quickly. For each position or post, use the Quick Shift Tool to create the recurring shifts for the template.

Follow the steps below to do so.

  1. From the drop-down menu, Choose a Position and select the post/position where the shifts are scheduled—for example, patrol zone, law enforcement, civilian employee, etc. 
  2. In the following field, add the time range for the shifts. Note: The shift time field supports AM/PM and 24-hour time formats. Add a comma between the shift times to simultaneously add more than one shift. Example: 04:00-13:00,12:30-21:30.
  3. Enter the duration of unpaid breaks for the shifts. 
  4. If multiple shifts are to be created, enter the number of shifts to create for the times listed above. Note: This is effective when scheduling multiple employees simultaneously at the same site and post. Select the days of the week these shifts are to be scheduled.
  5. Click the ADD button.

The shifts will now appear as unassigned shifts.

Assigning Guards to Shifts or Deleting Shifts

You can select multiple shifts by clicking and holding the left mouse button while dragging the cursor to select an area on the screen. All the shifts included in the chosen area can then be modified.


Assign Guards To Shift

Assign a Guard: With a shift(s) highlighted, click the blue arrow button in the employee's tile to assign the employee to the selected shifts.

Deselect Shifts: Release the selected shifts without editing them.

Delete: Delete shifts in bulk by clicking the button at the bottom of the screen.


Continue creating shifts and assigning guards until the template is complete. Remember that the shifts scheduled while in the Template view will automatically populate in the Schedule. If the assigned employee does not cover a specific shift regularly, leave it vacant in the template to be assigned in the schedule.


Unassign Guards From Shift

You can unassign an employee from a shift by setting the shift to vacant, assigning a different employee, or posting the shift to the shift board.

Set The Shift To Vacant


  1. Click on the shift.
  2. Select the Vacant Shift option


Assign A Different Guard


  1. Click on the shift.
  2. Select the employee you would like to assign.


Add The Shift To The Shift Board



Using Availabilities

If you set up availabilities for employees, shift tiles will show flags indicating whether the employee is available, may be available, or is not available. This will prevent schedulers from accidentally assigning employees who are not available to work.


Note: Availability flags will show in the Schedule view only.

You can set employee availability in the employee file in the Availabilities tab.


Green: Available

Yellow: May be available

Red: Not available.

Please note that guards and clients do not use this feature as administrators update availability manually. Instead, having the employee complete a report template outlining their availability is best practice. The administrator can then enter the availability accordingly.

Time Off Requests

You can enter a time of request for an employee in the employee's file by clicking the HR Profile button and then Time Off.


First Day Off: The first day of the employee's time off.

Return Date: Last day of the employee's time off.

Description: The reason for or type of time off.

Click the Create Time Off button to add the time off.

Schedulers will be blocked from assigning employees to shifts during the time-off period.


Confirm the Template

Once all shifts have been added, confirm that the template is complete. Review the template and remember what is shown in the Template view will continue to populate week after week. Leave some shifts vacant if a different employee may work those shifts in a given week. These vacant shifts can always be assigned as a one-time occurrence in the Schedule.

Switch From The Template To The Schedule

Once you have scheduled all known shifts in the template, change your view to the Schedule view. Here, you can finalize the schedule and publish it. Next, edit the schedule for one-time or non-recurrent shifts and assign vacant shifts from the template. 

Select a date range that includes the template start date. If no shifts appear, it may be because the date range is not filtered for dates where the template is applied.

 Creating ad hoc (one-time) or non-recurrent shifts

One-time shifts must be created in the schedule view. This allows you to create a shift that will not populate the schedule week-over-week.

Follow the steps below to create one-time shifts in the schedule.

  1. Hover over the bottom of the post/position and day in the schedule grid. 

Note: A light blue "+" button will appear. Click on this button. 

  1. Enter the information for the ad hoc shift. 
  2. Click on the Create button.


In the example above, the Security employee post/position shift on Thursday the 9th will only appear on that date. So, it won't be copied forward to the following Thursdays because it would be in the Template view.


Assigning Guards To A One-Time Shift

Shifts configured in the Schedule view will occur once. 

Follow the steps below to assign an employee to a specific shift.

  1. Click on the shift. 
  2. Select the employee to assign and click on the arrow button in the selected employee's tile.

Note: The shift's color should change, indicating it has been selected. 


Note: The employee will be flagged if they are unavailable to work.


Roll the Template

To better manage many shifts, applying the Template to the site with up-to-date information is possible without making it public. This will help you finalize your Schedule.


This option is called "Rolling the Template" and will help you validate the schedule for:

Potential Conflict:  If there is a schedule conflict for an employee part of your template, the shift will become vacant, and a yellow warning triangle will appear. Hovering over that triangle will let you know why this shift became vacant.

Overtime: If applicable, a red square showing the amount of OT (Overtime) hours for the shift will appear for each employee on your template.

Time-Off: If a time off request has been submitted by an employee on your template, the shift will become vacant with a yellow warning triangle, just like a schedule conflict.


Note: The Roll Templates button will only appear if Template validation is required before publishing. That will allow the Scheduler to plan for every adjustment before publishing. Publishing makes the schedule available to employees.


Publish the Schedule

The Schedule is visible to guards after publishing. The Scheduler should only publish once all the changes have been made. Published shifts turn from grey to a solid bright color.  

Published shifts are accessible in the following places: TrackTik Mobile application, Employee portal, Distribution email sent to the employees affected, and IVR system by texting the word "Schedule."

Employees cannot clock into published shifts using the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system or Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). 

Follow the steps below when you are ready to publish.

  1. Confirm that the date range is correct. 

Note: This information will also be shown in the pop-up window. All shifts included in this date range will be published and made available. 

  1. Click on the Publish button and complete the information in the pop-up window. 
  2. Click on the Save button when ready.

After completing this action, the number of shifts shown in the Publish button should change to zero, indicating that all shifts shown have been published. 

Note:  Even published shifts can be edited later. However, the changes will need to be published and redistributed.


Distribute the Schedule

You can then distribute email schedules that you have published. This email will include the name and the address of the site/client, the position, and the schedule memo at the position level, if applicable.

TrackTik will alert you if the employee needs an email address in their profile. You can add an email for that employee after the first scheduled distribution. Add the email to the employee profile, then go back and distribute it to anyone with a new email address.

If the employee doesn't have an email address and will not have one, the distribute button will remain green, indicating the employee did not get a schedule. You can then follow up with the employee to provide their schedule or ensure they will use another method to get it (mobile app, employee portal, IVR if set up).

You can distribute a schedule from the following areas:

From the main menu: Dashboard > Schedules & Attendance > Schedule Preparation section

From a Site: Sites (Clients) > Select Site > Schedules

Follow the steps below to distribute the schedules.

  1. Click on the Distribute Schedule button. 
  2. Validate the date range to be published and review the number of schedules and employees who will receive it by clicking Next.



Guards will receive an email with the list of shifts that they have been scheduled for. Also, an acknowledge button will appear if you say yes to requesting employee acknowledgment.


Update the Schedule

You can modify a Schedule once it has been published and distributed. Then, however, it will be necessary to distribute the changes to the schedule again. Rather than resending the entire schedule, the system will prompt you to send only updates for the shifts that have been modified since the schedule was initially distributed.

The Notify Changes button will only appear if there is a need to send updates to employees. You can access the Notify Changes button here:




Dashboard > Schedules & Attendance > Schedule Preparation section

Follow the steps below to notify employees of schedule changes.

  1. Click on the Notify Changes button next to the Distribute Schedules button. 
  2. Select and confirm the date range for the updated shifts. 
  3. All modifications in the date range shown in the dialogue box (4 weeks from the current date) will be distributed once you click the Save button.


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